
Peer-Reviewed Monographs

A Taste for Purity. An Entangled History of Vegetarianism. Columbia Studies in Global and International History. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2024).

German Religious Women in Late Ottoman Beirut. Competing Missions. Studies in Christian Missions; 45. (Leiden: Brill, 2015).

Published reviews:

Motadel, David. „Review of German religious women in late Ottoman Beirut: competing missions, by Julia Hauser.“ Journal of Global History 15 (2020), 2: 331—332

Ratschiller, Linda. „Review of Julia Hauser, German Religious Women in Late Ottoman Beirut. Competing Missions. Leiden: Brill 2015.“ Historische Zeitschrift 309 (2019): 514—516

„Julia Hauser, German Religious Women in Late Ottoman Beirut: Competing Missions“ (New Texts Out Now). Jadaliyya, Sep. 18, 2018.

Wendt, Helge. „Review of Julia Hauser, German Religious Women in Late Ottoman Beirut. Competing Missions. Brill: Leiden, 2015.“ Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft: ZMR 99 (2015): 153—156.

Peer-Reviewed Edited Volumes

With Kirill Dmitriev and Bilal Orfali, eds., Insatiable Appetite: Food as a Cultural Signifier. Perspectives on the Middle East and Beyond (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2020).

With Christine B. Lindner and Esther Möller, eds., Entangled Education. Foreign and Local Schools in Ottoman Syria and Mandate Lebanon (19th—20th Centuries), Beiruter Texte und Studien; 137 (Würzburg: Ergon, 2016).

Reviewed in:

Sbaiti, Nadya. „Essential Readings on Education in the Middle East: Historical Works.“ Jadaliyya (2018). Published electronically 01.08.2019. (within larger review of books on the history of education in the Middle East)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

„Internationalism and Nationalism: Indian Protagonists and Their Political Agendas at the 15th World Vegetarian Congress in India (1957).“ South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 44 (2021), 1: 152–166.

With Harald Fischer-Tiné and Ashok Malhotra. „Feeding Bodies, Nurturing Identities: The Politics of Diet in Late Colonial and Early Post-Colonial India.“ South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 44, no. 1 (2021): 107–116.

„Körper, Moral, Gesellschaft. Debatten über Vegetarismus zwischen Europa und Indien, ca. 1850—1920.“ In Nicht-Essen. Gesundheit, Ernährung und Gesellschaft seit 1850, Norman Aselmeyer and Veronika Settele, eds. Beihefte der Historischen Zeitschrift; 73, 259—87. (Berlin; München: DeGruyter; Oldenbourg, 2018). („Body, Morality, Society. Debates on Vegetarianism between Europe and India, ca. 1850—1920.“ In Non-Eating. Health, Nutrition and Society since 1850, Norman Aselmeyer and Veronika Settele, eds. Beihefte der Historischen Zeitschrift; 73, 259—287 (Berlin; München: DeGruyter; Oldenbourg, 2018)).

„From Transformation to Negotiation. A Female Mission in a “City of Schools”.“ In Preaching the Civilizing Missions and Modern Cultural Encounters, Stefan Huebner and Diego Olstein, eds. Journal of World History 27, no. 3 (2016), 473—496.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters


„Wrestling for the Humankind of the Future: Aurobindo Ghose’s and Mirra Alfassa’s Politics of Physical Education in Pondicherry.“ In Bodies Beyond Binaries: Asia, 1750–Present, edited by Kate Imy, Teresa Segura-Garcia, Elena Valdameri and Erica Wald. Leiden: Leiden University Press, forthcoming.


With Kirill Dmitriev and Bilal Orfali, „Introduction.“ In Food as a Cultural Signifier. Perspectives on the Middle East and Beyond, Id., eds., Studies in Islamic History and Civilization; 163, 1—8 (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2020).

„A Frugal Crescent. Perceptions of Foodways in the Ottoman Empire and Egypt in Nineteenth-century Vegetarian Discourse.“ In Food as a Cultural Signifier. Perspectives on the Middle East and Beyond, Ead., Kirill Dmitriev and Bilal Orfali, eds. Studies in Islamic History and Civilization; 163, 292—316 (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2020).

With Christine Lindner and Esther Möller, „Introduction.“ In Entangled Education. Foreign and Local Schools in Ottoman Syria and Mandate Lebanon (19th—20th Centuries), Eaed., eds., Beiruter Texte und Studien; 136, 11—28 (Würzburg: Ergon, 2016).

„Mothers of a Future Generation. The Journey of an Argument for Female Education.“ Ibid., 143—161.

Trade Books

With Sarnath Banerjee, The Moral Contagion. Delhi: Harper Collins India, 2024.

Articles and Essays (Editor-Reviewed)

„The Birth of the Ascetic Leader. Die Botschaft des Mahatma Gandhi in Troubled Weimar Germany.“ In Nodes of Translation. Rethinking Modern Intellectual History between Modern India and Germany, edited by Martin Christof-Füchsle and Razak Khan, 195–220. Berlin: DeGruyter Oldenbourg, 2024.

„In Search for Purity. German-Speaking Vegetarians and the Lure of India (1833–1939).“ In Religious Entanglements between Germans and Indians 1800–1945, edited by Gerdien Jonker and Isabella Schwaderer, 33–57. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.

„Global History.“ In Handbook of Historical Animal Studies, edited by André Krebber, Mieke Roscher and Brett Mizelle, 215–228 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021).

„Eine vergessene Gründungsfigur: Malita Karabat (1832—1902) und die Anfänge eines protestantischen Mädchenwaisenhauses im spätosmanischen Beirut.“ In Schule und Bildung in Frauenhand. Anna Vorwerk und ihre Vorläuferinnen, Gabriele Ball and Juliane Jacobi, eds., Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, 237—50. (Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 2016). („A Forgotten Founder: Malita Karabat (1832—1902) and the Beginnings of a Protestant Girls’ Orphanage in Late Ottoman Beirut.“ In Women in Charge of Schools and Education. Anna Vorwerk and her Precursors, Gabriele Ball and Juliane Jacobi, eds., Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, 237—250 (Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 2016).)

„Mind the Gap! Raum, Geschlecht und die Zirkulation von Wissen in der Mission am Beispiel der Kaiserswerther Diakonissen in Beirut.“ In Mission global. Eine Verflechtungsgeschichte seit dem 19. Jahrhundert, Rebekka Habermas and Richard Hölzl, eds., 137—58 (Köln: Böhlau, 2014). („Mind the Gap! Space, Gender, and the Circulation of Missionary Knowledge: The Case of the Kaiserswerth Deaconesses in Beirut“ In Mission global. An Entangled History from the Nineteenth Century onwards, Rebekka Habermas and Richard Hölzl, eds., 137—158 (Cologne: Böhlau, 2014).)

„Waisen gewinnen. Mission zwischen Programmatik und Praxis in der Erziehungsanstalt der Kaiserswerther Diakonissen in Beirut seit 1860.“ WerkstattGeschichte, no. 57 (2011): 9—30. („Gaining Orphans. Mission between Agenda and Practice in the Kaiserswerth Deaconesses’ Beirut Establishment since 1860. “ WerkstattGeschichte, no. 57 (2011): 9—30.)

„Ferber, Johann Karl Christoph (1739—1786).“ In Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century German Philosophers, Heiner F. Klemme and Manfred Kuehn, eds., 651—652 (Bristol: Thoemmes, 2010).

„Koch, Cornelius Dietrich (1676—1724).“ In Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century German Philosophers, ibid., 315—16.

„‘…das hier so furchtbar verwahrloste weibliche Geschlecht aus dem Stande heben zu helfen’. Der emanzipatorische Auftrag Kaiserswerther Diakonissen im Osmanischen Reich und seine Ambivalenzen.“ In Transkulturalität. Gender- und bildungshistorische Perspektiven, Wolfgang Gippert, Petra Götte and Elke Kleinau, eds., 219—236 (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2008). („‘Uplifting Neglected Womanhood’: The Kaiserswerth Deaconesses Emancipatory Mission in the Ottoman Empire and its Ambivalences. “ In Transculturality. Perspectives from the History of Gender and Education, Wolfgang Gippert, Petra Götte and Elke Kleinau, eds., 219—236 (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2008).)

Blog Posts

„Ernährung im Zeichen der Reinheit: Verflochtene Debatten über Vegetarismus in Europa, den USA Und Indien (ca. 1850–1957).“ Geschichte der Gegenwart, 21.01.2024.

„Unmasked: Covid-19 and the Cultural Dimensions of the Debate on Mandatory Face Masks.“ Geschichte der Gegenwart, 08.04.2020.


With Bilal Orfali: “Research in the Humanities“. Podcast AGYA Goes Viral. June 2020.


Book Reviews

„Review of Samiparna Samanta. Meat, Mercy, Morality. Animals and Humanitarianism in Colonial Bengal, 1850–1920. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.“ H-Soz-Kult, 11.01.2023.

„Review of Nico Slate. Gandhi’s Search for the Perfect Diet. Eating with the World in Mind. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2018.“ H-Soz-Kult, 22.06.2020.

„Review of Angela Müller. Indien im Sucher. Fotografien und Bilder von Südasien in der deutschsprachigen Öffentlichkeit, 1920—1980. Köln: Böhlau, 2019.“ H-Soz-Kult, 19.09.2019.
(„Review of Angela Müller: Focus on India. Photographers and Images of South Asia in the German-Speaking Public, 1920—1980. Cologne: Böhlau, 2019“ H-Soz-Kult, 19.09.2019.

„Review of Anja Meyerrose. Herren im Anzug. Köln: Böhlau, 2016.“ Historische Anthropologie 25, no. 3 (2017): 423—24. („Review of Anja Meyerrose, Men in Suits. Cologne: Böhlau, 2016. “ Historische Anthropologie 25, no. 3 (2017): 423—424.

„Review of Barbara Reeves-Ellington. Domestic Frontiers. Gender, Reform, and American Interventions in the Ottoman Balkans and the Near East, 1831—1908. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press 2013.“
H-Soz-Kult, 19.07.2014.

„Ungleiche Schwestern: Missionsschwestern und Missionarsfrauen in Neuguinea.“ Ariadne, no. 64 (2013): 75—76. („Unequal Sisters: Missionaries and Missionaries’ Wives in New Guinea“ Ariadne, no. 64 (2013): 75—76.

„Review of Sarah A. Curtis. Civilizing Habits. Women Missionaries and the Revival of French Empire, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.“ Sehepunkte, 15.09.2012.

Conference Reports

„HT 2014: The Biggest Loser. Gewinnen und Verlieren durch Diäten in Deutschland und den USA zwischen 1860 und 2004“ H-Soz-Kult, 21.04.2015. („Bi-annual Meeting of the German Historical Association 2014: The Biggest Loser. Winning and Losing through Dietary Regimes in Germany and the United States (1860—2006) “ H-Soz-Kult, 21.04.2015.

„Kognitive Kartographien des Religiösen: Missionsgeschichte, Wissensgeschichte, Transfergeschichte (17.—20. Jahrhundert)“ (2009). („Mental Maps of the Religious: Histories of Mission, Knowledge, Transfer (17th—20th Century)“ (2009).) H-Soz-Kult, 08.06.2009.

„Krankenpflege und religiöse Gemeinschaft — Transformationen vom 19. bis 21. Jahrhundert“ („Nursing and Religion — Transformations from the 19th to the 21st Century“). H-Soz-Kult, 05.06.2008.

„HT 2006: Von der „teilnehmenden Beobachtung“ zur „Entwicklungspolitik“: Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaften und der Kolonialismus (1800—1960)“ („Bi-annual Meeting of the German Historical Association 2006: From ‛Participant Observation’ to ‛Development’: Anthropology, Social Science, and Colonialism (1800—1960)“). H-Soz-Kult, 18.10.2006.